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Shell remains drilling-active in Brazil

With its non-stop commitment to invest in country, Shell remains drilling-active and after launching its drilling rig and supply base tenders last semester, has now released the multiple PSV tender to support their next campaign, scheduled for Q2 2023. With an initial period of 2 months firm, the campaign shall as usual feature the potential for longer employment of drilling resources which shall be further narrowed as the technical teams detail strategy. With the drilling rig tender well advanced, shell is currently on second round negotiations for the supply base tender, between two contenders. The PSV tender is in very early stage, having just being released to first phase closing on August 7th, or shortly thereabout. The full resource-base including long lead items, shall be contracted and submitted for partners’ approval by Q4 this year. In parallel, Shell is actively extending current vessel contracts in anticipation of an inflated rate scenario. Smart move.

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