This week Equinor reached out to the market seeking an OSRV to cover the dry-docking of a vessel from its own offshore support fleet. In case of interest, owners must provide a DP2 vessel with 1050m3 oil recovery capacity, ORO class notation and valid OVID. Commencement is prompt.
Also this week Petrobras issued a tender to charter up to four OSRVs. Owners are granted 120 days to mobilize the vessel with charter commencement scheduled for October 2023. Contract period is of 1460 days firm. As to the technical requirements, no major changes compared to previous similar tenders from Petrobras. The Brazilian oil major requires a DP1 vessel, built 1997 onwards and with 750m3 oil rec capacity. Owners have until November 17th to submit their offer.
OSRV Market