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Oceanica contracts Norwegian shipyard for retrofit of PSVs

Oceanica has contracted with Norwegian shipyard Green Yard Kleven for the retrofit of two PSVs. The assignment consists of the convertion of two units for operations with ROV and offshore crane, commonly categorized in Brazil as RSV (ROV Support Vessel). The vessels, which are Marin Teknikk design MT6009, have recently been purchased by Oceanica. The first vessel is already at Green Yard Kleven, while the other will arrive at the shipyard in the next few days. Suitably, earlier this year Oceanica participated in Petrobras’ tender for the contracting of RSVs being placed first in two lots (A and D) after the reverse auction. For lot A, Oceanica shall provide a vessel with one Work Class ROV and a 10t capacity crane while lot D requires the same crane capacity but one additional ROV. It is anticipated however not yet officially confirmed that these vessels undergoing modifications in Norway are to fill in the awarded positions. In total, considering other two previously acquired vessels (Far Saga and Far Scout from Solstad) Oceanica has incorporated 4 foreign flagged vessels into their fleet.

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