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ANP releases Bulletin of Oil and Natural Gas Production in Brazil for June

According to ANP’s Bulletin of Oil and Natural Gas Production in Brazil for the month of June, 2,828 MMbbl/d (million barrels per day) of oil and 133 MMm3/d (million cubic meters per day) of natural gas were produced, totaling 3,664 MMboe/d (million barrels of oil equivalent per day). WSBOne highlights as per below:

-Pre Salt
The production in the pre-salt in June recorded a volume of 2.759 MMboe/d (million barrels of oil equivalent per day), with 2.188 MMbbl/d of oil and 90.7 MMm3/d of natural gas, which corresponded to 75.3% of the National production. This production is originated from 126 wells.

-Origin Source
In May, the offshore fields produced 97.4% of the oil and 81.7% of the natural gas. The fields operated by Petrobras were responsible for 92.7% of the oil and natural gas produced in Brazil.

-Fields and Facilities
The Tupi field in the Santos Basin pre-salt, was the largest producer of oil and natural gas, registering 714 Mbbl/d of oil and 33.1 MMm³/d of natural gas.

Tupi, in the Santos Basin, was the offshore field with the highest number of producing wells: 58.

The FPSO Carioca, producing in the Sépia and Sépia Leste fields through four interconnected wells, produced 172.904 Mbbl/d and was the facility with the highest oil production.
Estreito, in the Potiguar Basin, had the largest number of onshore producing wells: 896 

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