Greener Transition

Greener Transition

What position do you take in face of the environmental challenges our society faces everyday?

Net Zero. Is it possible?

Yes, and it is much simpler than you think. Westhon is able to help determine your carbon footprint with our digital tool. We can also demonstrate the means to compensate for your business footprint. We are now ready to also facilitate the entire process of your footprint compensation and provide you with a certified solution, to compensate in part or in total (Net Zero) your emissions, with a certificate. And the best: this is all monitored through a tool where your management can directly access your information, generate reports, detailed overviews, etc.

Our Certified Solution

Our partners to the greener transition are also linked to our tool Bluecarbon and the entire certification process is audited and verified. Westshore operates in partnership with our digital-partners INTCOM, and our certificates are primarily linked to nature resources in Brazil, with native green-forest, water and air preservation. We are Brazil’s first shipbroking firm able to help you certify and neutralize vessels offered under a chartering tender. Ask us how we can also help you certify:

Bluecarbon Features

Digital Technology Made Carbon Free!

Learn more on how digital technology and a network of established partnerships made simple and easy by Westhon can help your business take the next step in preserving the environment, increasing the governance and helping the society. Ask us how:

Start Changing the Future Now​

For more information on our Grenner Transition Area please contact us at