Rio de Janeiro state government through the secretary of state for economic development Mr. Cássio Coelho has prompted the initial technical visits to the Caneco shipyard area which has been awarded by auction for R$ 96 million earlier this year. WSB’s head of naval engineering Mr. Daniel Angelo has contributed with the inaugural technical visit, which aimed to primary scan the yard conditions to receive a series of intended improvements and investments in several fronts. The government is gearing up to implement an integrated complex where public and private initiatives shall form the basis for the re-stimulation of the naval fishing activities. Crafts and professional level fishing industries shall be contemplated in support to traditional fishermen and distribution activities, all the way to furnishing workers’ capacitation with technical and superior courses, technical and repair support to vessel owners, cooperation with existing institutions and syndicates, small scale industrial complex and many other naval activities of high potential and economical benefit.
Rio de Janeiro state goverment prompted technical visits to Caneco Shipyard